She put away the supplies and grabbed a flashlight to get some more kindling from the woodshed/pile outside. It was a ten foot walk and she completely forgot where she was when she started only to realize that she was out here in the night with nobody around. She got a little spooked and grabbed the kindling a little faster and bolted the door as soon as she got inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tom Johnson was always a bit anal in his work, and well, home life too. He was a large man with giant features and the mind of one of the best analysts out there and yet was stuck behind the look of a slightly whiter Shrek. He had kept every postcard, report card, business card and comic and they are mostly in pristine condition. He liked things as they were, not all broken and kidded up. It was 1989 and the job route that he had taken was all the way to a clerk in the Department of Energy, a numbers pusher really, no natural light for the most part...