Since I am already sealing my fate with my other posts. I knew it would come out eventually that I am a Science nerd. It has been my method all my life without me knowing it. I need solid proof, and telling me something rarely satisfies my curiosity or need for certainty. So, as crazy as my thoughts are on different issues are, so are my scientific and pseudo scientific ideas. In 2013 I wrote a little book in two weeks exactly. It was a manic exercise in just finishing something, anything for once. I have had numerous book starts but no finishes, I wanted to finish just one. So after 53, 200 some odd words later I came up with a Sci-Fi, fantasy, realist, love story. With a strong female presence even. I wrote it with Jason Mraz song "I won't give up" going through my head. When I finished it I realized that the book was a perfect match to the song to a great extent. You see it was just supposed to a short story, but I could not stop. This was my big writing blowout, ...