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Showing posts from January, 2016

The Science of Things

 Since I am already sealing my fate with my other posts. I knew it would come out eventually that I am a Science nerd. It has been my method all my life without me knowing it. I need solid proof, and telling me something rarely satisfies my curiosity or need for certainty. So, as crazy as my thoughts are on different issues are, so are my scientific and pseudo scientific ideas.  In 2013 I wrote a little book in two weeks exactly. It was a manic exercise in just finishing something, anything for once. I have had numerous book starts but no finishes, I wanted to finish just one. So after 53, 200 some odd words later I came up with a Sci-Fi, fantasy, realist, love story. With a strong female presence even. I wrote it with Jason Mraz song "I won't give up" going through my head. When I finished it I realized that the book was a perfect match to the song to a great extent.  You see it was just supposed to a short story, but I could not stop. This was my big writing blowout, ...

The Honesty of Gratitude

 Each morning, shortly after I wake, I look up and say Thank You and that I am grateful.  It may not seem like much of a morning prayer and it isn't meant to be. It is simply a recognition of the day and the centering of a part of me. I wonder on some days though how honest is my micro tithing to my higher power is? (Now this is hard to follow, and is just something I consider)  In my mind it helps to place myself in a place of accepting the gift of all the blessings I have received. It helps me also remember what is important to me and my true nature. I do it first thing in the morning because that is when I am least likely to be affected by my own over thinking. I am becoming all too aware of my natures and knowing that admit I need a little help in all of this.   The thing that hit me though is that Gratitude is Honesty. It is hard to convince yourself that you are grateful for something that you are not. It opens up the honesty channel pretty quickly and ...

Old Friends

 When I was in grade school, when my childhood home was constantly filled with kids running back and forth. There was a kid that came over to our house after school to do his studying.   His Father was an only parent, something that wasn't too common back then. He was a Japanese American kid, red, white and blue through and through. His Father wanted what was best for him of course and was what we would call strict, maybe even a helicopter type. He did not get home from work until a few hours after school and he had met my Mother through someone. Since I was the youngest of nine he trusted that his son would be safe and have a place to study. They only lived a few blocks away and he could get him on his way home from work.  Now this kid was a year older than I was and that was a huge difference at that time. I was playing games and doing things that strict parented kids did not get to do. It was a stroke of pure genius in hindsight though. Even though I didn't ask for m...

It's Within the Giving                                      The devastating natural disasters of the mid 2000's affected hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. The donations and relief for the Indonesian and Southern U.S. populations were staggering and challenging to say the least. Shortly after the Indonesian Tsunami one of the donations came from a small town in Uganda. The population Mostly women who labored at breaking rocks into gravel. The donation modest as the wage was only a little over a dollar a day. Most of the women are said to have AIDS. They were so moved by the story, the human cost, they donated. Hundreds of dollars were raised and sent through a Catholic charity to Indonesia.  All too suddenly did Hurricane Katrina hit, The charity that oversaw the contributing to Indonesia could ...

The Wilson Conspiracy

  There is much talk going around about Cam Newton and his position in the NFL. Now a lot of this has to do with his great play and team this season. It also has to do with race. Both issues are a sore subject to some, myself included.  Now I will not be one to take anything away from Newton. He has had an exceptional year in his young career and has lived up expectations so far. He is the MVP of the season and rightly so and this does appear to be his year. Granted.  There is a small problem with all of this clamor and excitement to crown the next Manning before the real one retires and the flop out so far in Indy is injured. What has Russell Wilson done to be treated in this manner? The success and character of Wilson is exemplary to the morals of the NFL brass. He is one of THE most solid role models out there in the league. What did Wilson do to deserve this lack of respect from the NFL all the way down to the press boxes around the country?  The records ...

Talk Without Limits   When the President of a country makes this kind of statement, we need to talk. This age of sexism is running rampant. Yes, I agree things have to change. I don't agree with how we are going about it though. It is a one way conversation up to this point. The dogmatic approach used today to combat sexism I believe is going to backfire and create even more of a divide.   It is not the purpose of this to say and declare what men have done wrong anymore. It is also the time to ask ourselves where were women complicit? When did the changes happen and why were they in place to begin with? You can blame men for everything and you would be wrong. Like the old adage says it takes two to tango, for a real change both sides must be heard equally as well. Isn't this what we are all in this for?  I tell my wife about an observation that I have had over the years. It is about relationships that women and men have. Now, Men do just as much wrong, this...

The Workshop

 Well this little adventure into woodworking has turned the corner into a full time hobby it seems. I am just really pleased with my little shop I must say. From the way it has answered the harsh conditions and also the little things. It is nothing but a 4 foot by 4 1/2? foot square with a door. It is two sheets of framed 4x8 ply that I cut an inch off the length and stood up on end. I then made a door my height and put it in the corner of our bottom floor cement deck. So it is only one fifth a structure lol. But in that little space I have my workbench with vice and lathe, Drill press, chop saw, scroll saw, grinder, hand drill and jigsaw, plus everything else I need to do my stuff. mostly led lighting, a smoke alarm, lock of course, There is a large storage area above the bench and plenty of room for all the little pieces I have to use. I will get a picture of it soon but I am still finding ways to mess it up right now. This all got started little by little and it is still growing...


 A friend of mine always says that you have to look at your history. I have always been ok up until now and there is no indication I should not be ok in the future kind of thing. Well our hard work and pulling our hair out for the last few years has worked out. We have almost cleared the hurdles with our apartment owner. I must say that all we did was tell him the truth and do the best we could. It was by not pleasant and I lost any pride I had but that is not always a bad thing. I have to say that without that footing beneath me I felt I could not focus on anything at all. Always wondering if you are going to have to move in a month, or less. It is not the way I have lived my life before and I am not in the habit of ever being in the position again. My body failed me for a few years and I lost my health, that is hard enough, but being captive to that while losing your foundation as well is terrifying. I stayed clean and sober though. I must say the prescriptions I have been on ove...


  Coming from a long history of addiction and not knowing about my gifted/hsp stuff. It leaves me wondering about all of these people that I have met. Some are very kind and understanding which is a good thing. It also could be an indicator of some bad things as well. Are these people seeing me the way I think they are? Or is this just some kind of coddling akin to a special needs child? I know I am different and some say nuts, but I do know the difference, and I do pick up all of the pieces.   When people are saying one thing and feel something completely different it usually shows up plain as day. I am more trained to accept their feelings that I pick up as the truth, and what they say a secondary item. It get's confusing sometimes when people are constantly doing the opposite of what they are feeling.   So as I try to get along with this group, or any, that I belong to, there are some things I have to take into thought and be on guard at all times.   I am notor...

My Pens

I have been making pens for a little under a year now. It is just something that I tumbled into through some divine guidance I guess. It keeps me busy when I need to create with my hands and provides some great gift and giving occasions. I decided to do a separate blog about them instead of gumming up the writing page. Please check them out (when I get the site up) :)

More Pictures and backgrounds

Yeah, Just trying to make it look better. Love my trees on my hikes.

New Adventures

The blog is looking better and filling up, It has taken long enough. So it is time to start putting more effort into it this year and see what happens. Who knows what it may look like in another year. I may even get a follower, we'll see!


Looks like Panthers - Broncos. After seeing the Panthers play dirty with cheap shots and rigging their field there is no question about it. I hope the Broncos win, they have the most honorable team. It seems quite hypocritical that the NFL prides itself on integrity and the honor of the game, yet they constantly rewards dirty play and blatant cheating. They have taken the game past it's limits as a game and the patch job on their entertainment agenda has taken over. Real leadership and hard line rules are needed to right the taxpayer enhanced businesses, the players and fans have earned the right to make the call and it has to be soon. This chess game of boys and men has too many checkmates and the pawns are stuck in place.

The Articles!

Looks like I will have to start a weekly type of rotation or something. I will post for a week and then archive it as a page for the week or something. This allows me to share in a sense and may even draw a reader to my little place. :) Cheers!