Looks like Panthers - Broncos. After seeing the Panthers play dirty with cheap shots and rigging their field there is no question about it. I hope the Broncos win, they have the most honorable team. It seems quite hypocritical that the NFL prides itself on integrity and the honor of the game, yet they constantly rewards dirty play and blatant cheating. They have taken the game past it's limits as a game and the patch job on their entertainment agenda has taken over. Real leadership and hard line rules are needed to right the taxpayer enhanced businesses, the players and fans have earned the right to make the call and it has to be soon. This chess game of boys and men has too many checkmates and the pawns are stuck in place.
Welcome to America.... Can I take Your Order? As this week begins, I am reminded again that the events and results from the previous year are trying to push themselves into this one. We are just short of that time when we permanently scar the buttocks of the nation with an asterisk and a question mark. When we hand over the government to those who wish to erode it away. Globalism made to order for a few, the people still a commodity being traded away in the most covert and overt of manners. I have written about the outright antagonism that the Russians have engaged in, the voting and manipulation of the American psyche. Breaking in to C-Span, dogging our cyber security and basically just laughing at us, we apparently are not going to do anything. There are others involved in this as well including our pals the Israelis, if there was a closer tie to another Super Power in this world we would be closer to China, but the Russians are working on them as well, so here we are....
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