Until recently I didn't realize that my true voice was that of those I put into written form. Some find theirs in movement through dance or imagery in paint and photos. Some find theirs through actions just as rewarding, and endeavors that claim the highest honors. Arts and crafts etc... The list goes on and on and is as individual as each one of us. Today I am honored, and humbled again to understand that blessing just a little bit more. All of those voices, in all forms and abilities, in all degrees and many times failing, they communicate. I am blessed beyond my own comprehension in my ability to communicate, either through written words or spoken, vocal or visual. I seem to have a little knack at it all, whether learned or gifted I have no idea. I just think that it is my opinionated inner beast bending the bars on my ego at times. At others making sure the bars will just hold?... My friends little sister came to town for a visit. Relocating from another state ...