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Showing posts from June, 2016


Slip away into the silence, hide far from all the light The words that once were bled, like grasping smoke at night Scare the open wounds to close, for none can take their sight Slip away into the silence, the masses, the mindless and blind

Found My Reason

I couldn't understand why my page received so many hits. It just occurred to me that since my e-mail was phished a few weeks ago, that it was probably those folks looking for the spammer. I could have all kinds of trouble coming down the pike. Just a note to those folks, that is the last thing I would ever do and my sincere apologies.

No Need to Know Me

  Researchers at the University of Sussex have found that snails use two cells to make complex decisions. I am thinking that just because we have more, it may be a ruse to think we use them.   I returned early from a men's spiritual retreat. It was one that I was looking forward to for a few months. My brother had invited me to go along with some of his friends in the program. I honestly felt honored and humbled that he would do this for me. I messed up again, I don't know how this is going to work going forward at all. At this point I am just trying to head off a looming depression.    With my writing I feel kind of like Forest Gump did with his running. He ran, and when he was done he stopped runn'in. Right now I suppose you could say that I have hit the writers wall. A point that if this is truly what I am supposed to be doing it better show itself. Not in accolades or assurances of talent or prose, but in showing of progress, a discovery of knowledge of my inn...

The Lessons of Silence

  Until recently I didn't realize that my true voice was that of those I put into written form. Some find theirs in movement through dance or imagery in paint and photos. Some find theirs through actions just as rewarding, and endeavors that claim the highest honors. Arts and crafts etc... The list goes on and on and is as individual as each one of us. Today I am honored, and humbled again to understand that blessing just a little bit more.  All of those voices, in all forms and abilities, in all degrees and many times failing, they communicate. I am blessed beyond my own comprehension in my ability to communicate, either through written words or spoken, vocal or visual. I seem to have a little knack at it all, whether learned or gifted I have no idea. I just think that it is my opinionated inner beast bending the bars on my ego at times. At others making sure the bars will just hold?...   My friends little sister came to town for a visit. Relocating from another state ...

The Requisite Action

  This has been an interesting campaign season so far to say the least. With a virtual three way tie at the moment there are going to be two losing sides this time, maybe even three? The big losers in this is ultimately us and deservedly so. Each side displaying a dyslexia of facts and realities and one in the middle poking both of their left eyes out. The Larry, Curly and Moe of our future presidency and the driver of the karma bus.   Like I said there will be some losers in this great escape that we always try to vote in instead of work in. That grand self-righteousness of being the "winner" in this one is not going to please a good deal of your fellow citizens. There will be violence of that I am sure, there will be all manner of brouhaha and litigation's, accusations and fraud. That will be the bus backing up by the way...I like that tune, appropriate. The Bus, The Bus, The Bus! Is on fire!  In the end though when the driver is passing around all of the wondrous eff...