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Talk Without Limits -

 Sometimes getting caught up in the moments of your life will paint it with colors that just don't apply to the real pigments of it. The too much of one shade or another creeps in on the carefully blended ones and it leaves a less than appealing shade. In the last few years the painting is happening around the clock and the real colors of life have taken their place and there is no more painting over them.

While these colors and shades have been around all along, they have recently began to bleed out, in some cases quite literally. The atmosphere of a country at a focal point, its people ready for change, and equally ready their own personal manifest destinies. You could claim a massive lack of understanding from all corners, ignorance, and divisiveness. You could claim cronyism and unfair advantages, cheating and illegal activities, it's the government, it's those people, it's business...Whatever the basis for the blame or the belief, understanding or lack thereof, there has been progress in this painting party. When you clean up after throwing mud around so long, you see where the fresco's and pigments of colors really go.

Pardon me for dragging you through that eloquent dog pile. This is Talk Without Limits, We have been pissing on everyone else's legs for a long time now. Race relations, Political stripes, antagonism towards everything, reveling in the madness of condemnation. We have almost found a cure for genetic blindness, yet we are celebrating a demagogues demise like it is something to be proud of. How the blank did he even get there anyways? This really small pettiness that has driven us mad though, has actually done some good, we are done with it inside, all of us. In this world right now more than anything else, people are intolerant of intolerance. That is a double edged sword though, for one is the other and the other is the same, it is a cautious path we go forward on.

We have brought race back to the spotlight again, and womens issues. We have denounced the acts of war once more and we are making progress and inroads against oppression. The examples we have now have been reduced from the past, there is in much a motion of progress. We have taken steps and more steps to ensure that the rights of all people and their various orientations, no matter what they are, are protected and respected. We have shone a light on the manners and ways in which we slight and demean and make this world a darker place. We are sharing our understanding with those who will listen and we are finding voices which disagree and those that point to a different color, a different view. We are climbing out of the goo of our evolution once more and we really have been making steps, grand steps in this painfully slow process.

It is all to easy at times of darkness to believe that the shades of life are muddied and unwanted. There will be a time when those things do receive the suns light. We have started a grand discussion and began finding solutions again to those things instead of just denouncing them and frolicking in the misery of others. From political change to personal change, civic duty and an understanding of our place in things this discussion and education on life will continue. We can stop pissing on peoples pant legs and start picking them up, slowly but surely. From millenials to LGBT rights, from right wing nutjobs to whiny liberals, men and women, to colors and creeds, it is really working when you look at the big picture.


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