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Through Pressed Lavender: Part 12

Between the wake up call from Stephen King and the aspirin, the sleep and the brandy, Lori was soon feeling pretty good. Lori had asked her about the property and Berta's face just lit up, finally something that I can talk with her about, she thought. The property had been lived on for over a century and a half, it was the home of a mine owner in the area. There used to be a small town of smaller shack houses that had come down years after the mine washed up. It was bought by a local real estate broker and his wife and they kept in in the family until the 30's. She was in love with the English look to it and she created a vast and impressive garden. One that was the talk of the social circles when that was the fashionable thing to do with your money, plant it. It was sold to the family of an attorney friend of hers in the 50' and she had been there since, gosh, the late 80's?
Lori found herself almost instinctively looking for some paper and something to write with as Berta spoke. The woman had an eloquence and also bits of an accent that she couldn't place quite yet, Lori had a natural ear for these things. "I haven't been doing much out there for years now, the creep of the trees is a different kind of time telling" her host replied. Lori snapped back to the conversation again, she had really wished she would have brought something to take notes on but that was silly this is not an interview. That bit of thinking really presented the reality of the workaholic nature she had, and it hit her kind of hard. The conversation around work eventually left them with what Lori was working on now and why her need for some get away time... alone?...

A pirate map worthy of the Templar's came up in his head as he looked at the contents of half a dozen of the copy paper boxes. Then the thought struck him if he was dealing with them in all reality? Or the Illuminati? This kind of thing is right up their alley and now that he came to think about it some more the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Who knows how deep this all goes? Is he being watched by the watchers? It was late and his wife was nowhere to be seen when he got home, nothing new, but the pattern was getting telling. He had a workaholic aspect to him as well and it is causing issues with the laid back Alicia. Was it meant to be? Who knows anymore, but the feelings had changed in his eyes and heart a bit and he knew it, and it did sadden him greatly.

As he pushed it down into the base on the ground he heard the familiar whine of the power up. One down and about forty more to go, but at least they didn't have to do them all. "Really? For Snaggles?" Jim chirped at him. George just shook his head and said that it needed to be done anyways, he also had a hunch with Miss Lori showing up that other may do the same. They came across the next sensor and Jim snapped it out of it's hard wired base, 14 miles of fiber optics put in in the 90's. He unscrewed the battery compartment with the lock key nut and replaced the batteries needed to run a small solar current through the unit at all times. When running it can suck up a lot of juice and this is for the sleep protocol. George was about twenty feet ahead of him on the line when he heard the whine of it powering up as well.

On September 7th 2014 Asteroid 2014RC Makes a close approach to Earth at 24, 800 miles. On the island state of Hawaii a woman who was older than most there was passing the struggling visitors up the path. The Mauna Kea observatories were up ahead and she had a hot date. The two larger men with her were well behind and not worried about a thing except their breathing abilities. Through a doorway she saw a nicely dressed Hawaiian man holding a plaque with her name on it. She introduced herself and was taken to a small elevator to an upstairs work area. With a silhouette that would bring instant recognition the crooked man in the wheel chair welcomed her with his robotic voice. "Welcome, are you ready for this?" He said in a monotone smirk. The roof had already been rotated and the aperture was opening. She could already see the area of the sky that it should be in. The wheel chair bound man flipped a few switches and the screens and telescope came to life. For the next three hours they had a wonderful conversations about space, humanity and the next level we could achieve. Two very different people walked away from that date, a little spark of the eternal in both.

There were receipts for a flat in London, and some notes on electronics. A penny stock fund he started when he was in grade school with everyone else. A few snippets of newspaper clippings from all over about all sorts of things. Holy cow, is he looking at something from a madman's manifesto? The cutouts and the notes didn't always make sense and his writing was loopy for a guy at first, but then it became almost perfect cursive. A bunch of check stubs from the seventies that he had to go through covering garbage to groceries. This was a real mess, and Tom was wondering if the guy was even alive anymore by the dates he is pulling up. That was all on his mind before his first cup of coffee, and no Alicia in sight still. As he left he turned around their wedding picture in the foyer, a small but useful gesture for him that day.


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