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Through Pressed Lavender: Part 13

In 1972 Mr. Moreno hired another attorney to his one man show. A Denice Patrick showed up on the scene and took over the client. The records were immaculate and he could see that she was even more fastidious than he was in her almost OCD organization. For the next few years there was little if anything going on until 1975 when fourteen applications for Non-profit 501-C3's were sent in located in various states. They dealt with everything from Breast Cancer research to funding of South American Tribes as far as their Purpose Statements.
Also curious was in their By-Laws the money could never funnel up, simply over and diversify. That was something a bit unusual, most of the time these kind of folks want their seed money back at least.

Playing a good hostess and enjoying the company for once she poured the brandy into the aperitif glasses once more. The two found out that just beneath their outward masks was a sarcastic run that both appreciated, the laughs started to roll out a little bit more as Berta told her the story of the place and her adventures there as well. Lori was telling her of her job and all of this go go go mentality and that she needed to unplug. The story she was working on had her stumped at the story itself, and what it meant to her in her personal life too. The younger woman found herself opening up like a waterfall to this woman who she really just met. The senior woman sitting there and patiently listening and letting her vent, share, cry for about the next hour. The brandy was no slouch in the kick department, Berta knew that, she made it. To the unaware guest though it was almost unnoticed as it kicked in.

"I Thought you were going to put in an elevator last month?" Jim asked George as they climbed down the ladder to the large underground bunker. "Nah, looked over the plans again and it still won't work. " The lights came on and Jim went over to the computers and flicked the power buttons. Around them came to life a command center the likes would make some military minds jealous. Jim had designed and built them when he ran the fiber optic throughout the hills. On one of the large flat screens a map of the area showed up and the sensors were visible as little green dots. There was one red one still and it was in an area they hadn't been to yet. Also on the map was a blue dot that just read Snaggles underneath of it and it was still smack dab in the middle of the Hudson place. Jim grabbed a few more batteries and told George he would be right back.

"Were you ever married?" Lori asked Berta after a long run and cry about why her and Mike couldn't have made it. Berta told her her husband had died in the war overseas and she hadn't remarried. "So no family, no kids?" Lori could almost feel the air thicken as she thought she had gone too far with her reporter like inquisition. Berta sat still for a moment and looked down at the glass in her hands and said, "I had a beautiful baby boy, but he passed away as an infant. It was a different time then and things weren't as fancy as they are now."" Been on my own since then... well all except for Doug." Lori decided not to push it any more with the personal questions. Talk about the apartment above the shop came up and Berta realized it was getting late and she wanted to shake some dust from the place. She asked Lori if she needed anything and Lori asked for some paper and something to write with. Berta had plenty, and gladly handed her a stack of paper and some writing instruments as she left to finish her chores.

Normally a bunch of Non Profit paperwork would be useless in any adventure. But he had access to all of their data, at least the stuff they made available to the government. The scanner would pick those number out and associate the appropriate government files for them. The harder work now is to find out how this too perfect of a trading record and investment history happened. When he looked at some of the documents he was spooked by the simplicity and sheer genius of it all. He again thought about some of the other dark forces and secret societies it just may be associated with. With no call from Alicia again tonight he worked on and well into the night.


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