There are patterns in everything, Phi - The Golden Ration 1.618..... is the numerical foundation for our existence it seems. There are patterns to speech as well and my oldest brother would probably be amazed at me for putting some thinking into this field. His "gift" it seems is linguistics and I am sure we share much of the mimicry and intonation abilities. It is within those parameters that speech and certain words sometimes mean a completely different thing to me than others. Thus, while in the midst of this grand attempt at understanding the opposite sex a little better. While we make the world a fair and balanced place, inclusion a law of freedom. I am going to point out those things that hit the scales from this side a little less than fair and balanced.
This morning Megyn Kelly was on Good Morning America. I have long thought that ABC was going that route with it's reporting slant, so it was no surprise really. While discussing the issues with Trump and how his brand of languages hurt women. I loved it and couldn't agree more, but this was one of those things where it should have stopped there for me. I got too much information on the mindset of things and found it to be a little disturbing in itself.
She said that words like bimbo and others gin up other thoughts and words and it keeps going around. First of all people would like to think that it's Gin up like the drink, but the earlier usage was Djin up, meaning to exaggerate and coming from the middle east. That is certainly true that derogatory words should not be used to describe anyone, and I abhor these kinds of terms myself.
In the larger picture though there is a sterilization going on. A huge invisible shield that is being placed right between the very parties that need to talk. Men and Women cannot seemingly have an honest conversation about each other without this shield coming up. There are hundreds of albeit horrible words being thrown into the do not say pile while talking about women. In their place are just as horrid words being accepted to take their place regarding men though. That seems a bit off the plane of being balanced and fair, and it is no way to level things out. I am in agreement that words and sayings about women are just not going to be tolerated going forward, I will fight and vote for that. I do have a harder time getting my gumption up if it is used as a bully platform of its own though. It is perfectly acceptable to blanket an entire sex or race for that matter with things that will not be tolerated when speaking of or to them. It is not acceptable to use that same blanket as a tool to suffocate and strangle dissenting and varied views.
Now, of course I am generalizing to a great extent, but that's what we people do naturally. It is also fitting to bring up views that may not be seen by some. Not for the fact of finding out who is right rather to find ways to avoid the worst. There are a lot of things that are quickly tilting the scales of fairness and balance against others whether it be sexes, races or religions. Working out differences requires tolerance and understanding. There is a basic need and grander goal when we talk without limits.
This morning Megyn Kelly was on Good Morning America. I have long thought that ABC was going that route with it's reporting slant, so it was no surprise really. While discussing the issues with Trump and how his brand of languages hurt women. I loved it and couldn't agree more, but this was one of those things where it should have stopped there for me. I got too much information on the mindset of things and found it to be a little disturbing in itself.
She said that words like bimbo and others gin up other thoughts and words and it keeps going around. First of all people would like to think that it's Gin up like the drink, but the earlier usage was Djin up, meaning to exaggerate and coming from the middle east. That is certainly true that derogatory words should not be used to describe anyone, and I abhor these kinds of terms myself.
In the larger picture though there is a sterilization going on. A huge invisible shield that is being placed right between the very parties that need to talk. Men and Women cannot seemingly have an honest conversation about each other without this shield coming up. There are hundreds of albeit horrible words being thrown into the do not say pile while talking about women. In their place are just as horrid words being accepted to take their place regarding men though. That seems a bit off the plane of being balanced and fair, and it is no way to level things out. I am in agreement that words and sayings about women are just not going to be tolerated going forward, I will fight and vote for that. I do have a harder time getting my gumption up if it is used as a bully platform of its own though. It is perfectly acceptable to blanket an entire sex or race for that matter with things that will not be tolerated when speaking of or to them. It is not acceptable to use that same blanket as a tool to suffocate and strangle dissenting and varied views.
Now, of course I am generalizing to a great extent, but that's what we people do naturally. It is also fitting to bring up views that may not be seen by some. Not for the fact of finding out who is right rather to find ways to avoid the worst. There are a lot of things that are quickly tilting the scales of fairness and balance against others whether it be sexes, races or religions. Working out differences requires tolerance and understanding. There is a basic need and grander goal when we talk without limits.
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