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The Generation Bomb

  By this time each election year I am usually knee deep into a dozen discussions. I am taking a different approach this time around and it is paying dividends.
  I am not jumping on anyone's bandwagon and I am not fighting for anything. I am a witness this time around and it is very informative. Since I am one to wants to know the big picture, what it all means, who are we? I like to write about the stuff that makes the fabric of America what it is, and I have seemingly had the wool pulled over my eyes by many.
 Everything from bigots to feminists are surprising with their tactics, the choice between a political and a militaristic revolution is upon us. The division created by everyone moving in with their neighbors on these small screens carried over to the big screen and now life. Not only do we despise you, we can now say it loudly and forcibly to create outrage. Yes, the red and the blue were fine when it was kept to closed doors, but the stench of the rotted apple pies from everyone else's house was too much to keep them open it seems. Shining the outside of the garbage cans all over again.
 We are in a palpable mess, a hot one at that, my God I am having thoughts of the sixties and seventies all over again as the simmering begins to boil. Sadly being pulled apart by that very thing that defines us. We strive for independence as a nation and as an individual yet to survive we must assimilate to a society that is not built for this generational and regional mix.

  As I watch and listen to the Trumps of the campaign and try to understand that mindset, I can. When I watch and listen to Clinton and see the bashing of her by other women, millennials usually, I can understand that. What I cannot understand is why those that have lived through a number of elections on both sides of the aisles keep doing this? We know that there is a minuscule possibility that Sanders can pull of anything that he would promise. We know that Trump has little idea of the real mess he has gotten himself into. We know that Clinton would simply keep the status quo and use her position to get back at those on both sides.
  Many of the younger voters look at us older ones as being a little slow, look at the mistakes that were not evident at the time, laughable in hindsight. They believe that someone else like an Obama candidate, one with newer hopes and newer change will fix it all up. Some see Trump as some sort of new John Wayne and Reagan who will ride in and make America a great nation again, but only for some. Some see Clinton as the Mothering influence we need. America is going to fight this one out in one way or another. I would prefer it to be at the ballot box, yet afraid to a degree that it is too little too late. I commend them for thinking that the problems are solvable, I am not convinced. I am not a younger voter and know a little too much on too little to sit by and be quiet forever though.
   Younger voters should remember one thing about this whole process though. The older folks know what is like to be a younger voter, the younger voter does not know what it is like to be an educated one or a veteran to it. Taking history of a person from a source instead of living it means the world when they put it all together and I am sure there are things in everyone's life as examples. This is a funny and complicated thing and does not get enough coverage in our education system. It is a planted generational bomb that apparently goes off about every 40 years or so.
  It is up to slow and mistake prone old voters to defuse this bomb and it is not happening. So I am left with the sad task of observing this and shaking my head at the idiocy of it all. A witness to the morass of humanity I share this country with torn apart by the very thing that is said to bind us all.
Can it be saved? sure, if people would just take the hint and come in a sit awhile....The door is open.


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