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The Battle of Thought

   The acts of valor, the names of the fallen, the untold heroism, for their country, for their families, for their countrymen. Freedom.

  From every walk of life, from every distant land, from every piece of all that we had become. Liberty.

 To the sweat of a woman's brow, to the song of a freed person, the tide rises and a nation matures. Justice.

 On this Memorial Day the loss and acts are not lost to this citizen. The battles and stories refreshed again to continue in our best oral traditions. We are a proud nation filled with the sons and daughters of those that had fallen and those who survived. Both being tempered by war and the aftermath that lasts for more than a lifetime. There is pride flowing across all the divides of this Red, White and Blue nation. There are those though who would steal the valor, claim all things US, and in the process defile all with their calls of superiority.
  In the articles and comments, in the replies and posts there is an overriding theme presented. That only one side of the aisle defends this country, that only tough guys come from their side. That all on the other side are pansies and pussies, afraid of guns and God. In that rhetoric they demean the President, they demean the politicians, they lie and misrepresent to make their cases. In doing so they steal away all honor that they supposedly have for this country, for its military, for the sacrifices of men and women they can never know. They are stealing valor, and in it claiming it is their right, not others.
 The men and women who we remember this day did not sign up to be used as a tool promoting Gun ownership. They did not sign up to yell at others that they are pansies and pussies. They did not sign up to be used as some kind of tool and sponsor of car races and sporting events. They didn't even sign up to become a charity case for partisan pandering. Do not bring upon the memories of those blessed souls the sickness of todays troubles. People were fighting for their lives period. They were fighting for our lives second. At least they were fighting...
 For every insult directed at the toughness or patriotism of someone a stolen part of valor, a ripped of piece of pride taken from the whole. For every dig at a Democrat's toughness or resolve for what is best for this country, a veteran rolls over in their grave. This wasn't what any of this was all about, get that shit straight. For every shot at how the Democrats are anti military, anti guns, anti Christian, here is another grave and another veteran rolling over. I can almost hear their screams of agony as their old bones break, disturbing their final rest. With all of these battles for the thoughts of humanity and especially us here in this country. I am surprised there hasn't been more earthquakes reported. The bones of the warriors, of the weary of battle are not being allowed to rest. There is money and power to be had at their expense still. This Memorial Day.....
 It has taken the mettle and the metal of this great land to become what we are today. There is a reason why we are called the Great US of A. I will take today to remember them all, from the beginning to the present, remember their sacrifices and thank others for theirs. I will not see the color of their skin, the length of their years, their rank, or colors worn. I will simply see the honor inside to that flag, and friend, and to that country sworn.


  1. This is a wonderful tribute, I'm glad you posted it.


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