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The Tough Guys

 I still look over the pages of Yabberz, get the news, see what people are posting. It is really very interesting to see it through the blocks, through those that have shut your voice out of their circles.
  I see that conservatives have mostly ruined the site with their stretches at truths and just plain lies. The discerning filters that should have been in place early on, lost to chants of censorship now. The morass of humanity backing up in the pipes and the descent into us humans nature apparent.
  Today there is a question about guns, which kind do ya like? Liberals need not reply. Now this is not the first time this kind of thing has come up. It has come up in my life too, as a gentle nature belies a startling truth. That I am the last person someone would like to see upset, the last person that would be called a little too girly, too soft. I have said it many times before that I am just as mean as I am nice, and I can be awfully nice. So what is it with this need of some to think they are tough, hiding behind a trigger. One that I own a few of as well, I never could figure out that stupidity. I am sure plenty of Liberals own guns, they have seen the conservative brain dead. There is a need for balance everywhere.

  I see it all the time, this call that the Libs are after your guns, what a crock pot of shorts filler. I had a friend this weekend that just had to bring out his gun and go shooting. I am sure it was done for show only, he has compensation issues too. Yes, I said compensation issues, fear, appeasement, the need to have a binky. All of these things apply to those folk who seem to want to poo poo the very emotions that got them to where they are now. It's as if asking how someone got to the store as they step out of their car, only for them to say they just flew there. Scared, frightened, small minded people wanting only to be in charge of everyone else, because they are scared, don't ya see?
  For the longest time I truly believed this was about values and ideologies. That the conservative mindset was just something that, like the opposite sex was an enigma - never to be solved. Here it is though conspicuous as ever in everything they are fearful of. They have to have their "what if's" covered, their insecurities nipped enough in the bud. It is not an ideology, it is not a belief or a value but a deep seeded fear of change, of what if's, of we can't... because. I have seen it in my lifetime so many times over I am surprised I did not see it sooner, scared, emotional, needy. Once the fears and the what if's are appeased well enough it becomes ok, then accepted. That takes a long time with these emotional folks, these fed by fear brethren that think that toughness is something that osmosis can solve. Aliens in our midst, don't they know us humans function a lot differently than that? Maybe it does work on their kind though and that would explain the slowness to adapt, and the propaganda to spread so fast and deep. Cause and effect, effect and cause the four sided dice that is thrown with trepidation at every turn, their minds oblivious that that makes it a pyramid scheme in all sense of the matter.

 I am a centrist more than anything, the fairness doctrine I speak of doesn't want to be a left or right handed entity. Ambidextrous, and agile, able to take on the tasks at hand and the tasks of mind. If we cannot see this, then we will just be a weapons depository for the rest of the world. There will be no need to fight with those who will not fight you. The weapons of the last century doing little damage in this one sans collateral and monetary. People are no longer a commodity but a byproduct of the Military-Industrial-Consumer industry that we have built from our best intentions. We have gone past the choke point of the trap long ago, we are now the prey and the bait.
 The conservatives today co-opted the military, and religion, they have wrapped themselves in this flag of separation, claiming high ground to the titles of Patriots and Americans. Theirs is not an ideology, theirs is not a belief, theirs is not a rallying cry of patriotism of Americanism. Theirs is simply an emotional reaction to all they fear, their what if's have not been appeased. They need their binkies, their guns, their flags and their religion. When they talk on these things it shows, it shows like great big neon lights now. One thing you may get to lean about people is that the things people dislike in others can usually be wholeheartedly seen in the one making the assessment. So for all these things that conservatives speak of it is not pride, or a belief or an ideology. Just like me, that is the way they are speaking of their fears, not that it be taken away at all. My God, that would mean change... and all those sissy feelings and stuff.


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